Adobe Edge Animate, is a newly released product from Adobe, for working with animation for the web. Edge Animate uses DIV’s to create animation in an easy to use environment, which allows for its users to quickly create animation that is fun and enjoyable for all that use it.
Title Of Entry ( Adobe Edge Animate CC Lesson #11 - Create An Interactive Game and Show a Button at the end )
Author: carrzkiss # of Entries ( 47 )
Entry #: 40
This Entry has been viewed: 252 times
What this Entry is about? Adobe Edge Animate, how to create an interactive game in Edge Animate.
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions: In this lesson, we are going to create an interactive game play board, that once all items on the board are clicked, a button appears that allows the player to go to the page of the game. Using code provided by: sudeshna sarkar Here:
Supported Files You must be a member to download Code Support Files! Click on the Login / Register at the top of the menu!All files are compressed with the WinZip Utility. Of which you can download and purchase from here: Unzip with WinZip Get It Today!
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