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Adobe After Effects

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Title Of Entry ( Using Expressions in After Effects to create a Wiggle effect )
Dark Effects - Using Expressions in After Effects to create a Wiggle effect from carrzkiss
Author: carrzkiss
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Entry #: 2
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What this Entry is about?
Using the Wiggle effect in After Effects, allows for you to utilize the powerful Expressions that are available to you.
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions:
Using "After Effects", it is easy to create effects that will make your text (or) image move around the screen without having to set a keyframe throughout the duration of your project.
Using Expressions is a great feature that After Effects introduced many versions ago in AE and we are certainly glad that they did.
In this demonstration, we are going to make our text "wiggle" also set some keyframes to make the color change as well.

Create a New Composition
Then go to {=Layer => New => Text=}

Write whatever you want, (I wrote cffcs using DreamScar font)
Now from the timeline click on the Text layer click on the Arrow
To expand its properties
Choose "Transform"
Now, to write Expressions in AE we have to reveal its editor. We do this by the following.

On the {Position}
{=Windows = Alt + Click (Click from the mouse Left Button)=}
{=Mac = Command + Click=}

Now, you will see

Delete the default value and type in:

1 = The higher the number the faster the object will move, the lower the number the slower the object will move.
200 = is the pixels that you want to move around the screen, the higher the number the larger the area. Lower the number the less real estate used by the object when animating.

Now, you can take your mouse and move the time line indicator to see the text move or do a "Ram Preview".

Now, we want to change the color of our text, as it is moving around our screen.
To do this, click on the Text layer in our timeline and then go to:
{=Effects => Generate => Fill=}
This will open the Effects Controls Panel.
Make sure that you have your Timeline indicator at the beginning 00:00:00
And click on the Stopwatch (This will Enable the Keyframes in your timeline)
Now click on the Color button and choose a color.
Next, move your timeline indicator a few frames up and change the color again
This will create a new keyframe in the timeline.
Repeat this until you have come to the end.
Now, do a "Ram Preview" to see your effect.
Hope this helps, please keep an eye out for more tutorials in After Effects.
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