Title Of Entry ( Adobe Edge Animate - Space Project ) |
Author: carrzkiss # of Entries ( 47 )
Entry #: 18
This Entry has been viewed: 587 times
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What this Entry is about? Adobe Edge Animate space project, showing how to rotate elements around a centered element. Also, how to reuse the same text element over again. |
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions: In this project, we have 2 video lesson's demonstrating how to do the following within Adobe Edge Animate.
#1: Rotate image elements around a center image element (Our Sun) #2: Add code into our project, that will allow the end user to scale the project to their size. #3: Reuse a text element, to display information from a click event of each planet.
The project bundle, comes with everything you need to get the job done, except the actual project files themselves.
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