Dark Effects Production

Adobe Edge Animate

Adobe Edge Animate, is a newly released product from Adobe, for working with animation for the web. Edge Animate uses DIV’s to create animation in an easy to use environment, which allows for its users to quickly create animation that is fun and enjoyable for all that use it.

Title Of Entry ( Adobe Edge Animate - Space Project )
Dark Effects - Adobe Edge Animate - Space Project from carrzkiss
Author: carrzkiss
# of Entries ( 47 )
Entry #: 18
This Entry has been viewed: 587 times
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What this Entry is about?
Adobe Edge Animate space project, showing how to rotate elements around a centered element. Also, how to reuse the same text element over again.
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions:
In this project, we have 2 video lesson's demonstrating how to do the following within Adobe Edge Animate.

#1: Rotate image elements around a center image element (Our Sun)
#2: Add code into our project, that will allow the end user to scale the project to their size.
#3: Reuse a text element, to display information from a click event of each planet.

The project bundle, comes with everything you need to get the job done, except the actual project files themselves.

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