Adobe Edge Animate, is a newly released product from Adobe, for working with animation for the web. Edge Animate uses DIV’s to create animation in an easy to use environment, which allows for its users to quickly create animation that is fun and enjoyable for all that use it.
Title Of Entry ( Adobe Edge Animate Wipe On Text Effect with Mirrored Text )
What this Entry is about? Adobe Edge Animate, is used to mirror text onto the floor, and to wipe text onto the screen. This effect will thrill your visitors to your site.
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions: Using Adobe Edge Animate to create this easy but yet, powerful visual effect of text being wiped onto the screen, and then to have the text Mirrored onto the floor, is something that is usually only down in Flash or After Effects. However, with Adobe Edge Animate, we are able to do this very thing, within this single program.
View Live Example« Creating an After Effects Project, inside of Adobe Edge Animate
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