Dark Effects Production

Adobe After Effects

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Title Of Entry ( Simple Text Effect in After Effects )
Dark Effects - Simple Text Effect in After Effects from carrzkiss
Author: carrzkiss
# of Entries ( 47 )
Entry #: 1
This Entry has been viewed: 1327 times

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What this Entry is about?
After Effects is a very powerful tool when it comes to creating visual effects with text.

This is a simple tutorial on how to add text and have it fade in and fade out.
This is a beginner's lesson so get After Effects started and let us get down to it.
Description (or) Code Implementation Instructions:
(I used AE CS4 in this project.
AE CS3 and below should be the same)

With After Effects opened, go to
Composition => New Composition (or) Ctrl + N
I have mine set at (This is for larger video output)
Composition Name: Text Fade
Width: 900px
Height: 618px
Frame Rate: 30
Resolution: Full
Duration: 0:00:06:00 (6 seconds)

Next let's add in a new {Text Layer}
(Shortcut key: Ctrl + Y)
From the Layers menu
New ¦ Text

Type anything that you want, I am going to type in {Rhonda}.
With font of type: Harrington.

Now, this is where the fun comes in.
In the timeline click on the {Source Name}, (Rhonda is mine)
Then from the keyboard shortcut hit {T}
This will bring up your {Opacity} settings.
With the Time Indicator at the beginning set the Opacity to 0%.
Then click the Stopwatch to create a Keyframe for the 0% Opacity.
Now, move your Time line to the 01:05 mark and set the Opacity to 65%,
Now move the Timeline to 04:29 and set another keyframe at 66%.
Now at the end of the timeline set the last keyframe at 0% Opacity.
(You will notice that the text has disappeared, that is because the Opacity has a value of 0%, of which makes the text invisible)
Now, a quick Render and you will see the effect of the Fade-In and Fade-Out of our text.
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